Creatively integrating our Yoga Doll characters with the eight-fold path of yoga is how The World's First Yoga Doll® came to be. These yogic practices outline a blueprint for self care and societal codes of conduct for any practicing yogi looking to achieve self-realization. Together, our characters offer an awesomely positive program for kids to learn how to relate to their worlds, masked as fun play patterns, great friends, and cool characters!
1. Yama: The Yamas are universal practices of non-violence (Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), non-stealing (Asteya), self-control (Brahmacharya), and moderation (Aparigraha). When we practice the Yamas we are striving towards living a healthier, more peaceful and balanced life. We created YAMA as a cool Hawaiian surfer who is passionate about animal rescue and ocean conservation, while exhibiting characteristics of kindness and respect for all beings.

2. NiyamaThe second limb contains five internal practices of Niyama (observance) choosing pure food, pure thought, and cleanliness of the yogi’s internal environment of body, mind and spirit - it's really incredible #SelfCare! The practice of Niyama helps us maintain a pure and positive environment in which to grow. NIYAMA is from Brazil, where she hikes the Amazon rainforest daily, loves natural remedies, acai smoothies and lavender face masks! Through her passions we learn about global conservation and ecological practices to preserve natural resources, including the rainforest.

3. Asana: The physical practice of yoga, including the physical exercises which are intended to keep the body fit and aligned. ASANA is from Los Angeles, where she loves to take yoga and exercise classes, practice with her pet dog Nama (...stay!), and eventually become a yoga teacher in her book, Asana's First Yoga Class.

 Prana is our life force, and Pranayama is the ability to control this force. When we do, we are able to create colorful energy and become vastly creative. PRANA is a gender fluid teenager from Japan. They are a highly creative fashion and jewelry designer, crystal lover and energy healer, with a flair for sparkly and vibrant energy.

5. Pratyahara: The internal withdrawal of outside impressions that leads us towards meditation and quiet self-awareness. PRATYA is highly intelligent, quiet, and aware girl from Pondicherry, India. She enjoys traveling, experiencing new cultures, and she is extremely aware of details. Science is her jam, and Pratya is building a space ship to fly to Mars with her pet cat, Dharma Kitty! She hopes to one day travel through space as an astronaut.

This practice focuses one's mind deeply in self-awareness, knowledge, and study. DARA lives in Oxford, England. She hopes to be a professor of creative writing and she has incredible skills of memory retention, study, and focus. 

7. Dhyana: Progressing deeper into the focused concentration of one's mind, unaffected by distractions of the outside world is Dhyana. There is interactive play with Leela (known as the dance of life), while maintaining concentration and self-discipline. DYANA represents the song and dance of life, as well as being the all-so-fab lead singer an all-girl band The Yoginis. Let's watch her first performance in NYC's Central Park!

8. Samadhi: Unity consciousness, compassion and service make up the final rung of Samadhi. At this stage, the yogi merges with his or her point of focus and transcends the Self altogether, seeing you in me, and me in you. SAMA, from Bolzano, Italy, is the essence of loving service. Along with her mystical superhero unicorn, Bliss, she enjoys making healthy meals and snacks for all of her family and friends. She hopes to have her own healthy restaurant someday!